Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mommy will I go to jail?

Here in Park Slop our playgrounds have themes of classical music and animal art. In Bed-Stuy at the Tompkins Houses, the theme is incarceration. Brownstoner posted this story of NYCHA's ham fisted design and construction.  One resident of the community, which is in an uproar over the kiddy poke, said it was a poor choice for an area where many residents actually end up in jail. A child reportedly asked, "Mommy, if I play there will I end up in jail?"

Way to raise the bar, people!

 Brownstoner report on Jail-themed playground. 

Location : 483 16th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby Boys With Nannies May Grow Up to Be Womanizers

You've got to be kidding. And check this out: when a baby girl has a nanny, it creates a "cascade of need" that some females will eventually fill with sex, drugs and alcohol.

Apparently after age 1 you're in the clear, however.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kid-free Weekend; St. Paddy's Day Bagels

This weekend the kid got shipped off to grandma's house for the full weekend Fri-Sun a.m. We are about to get her back and will take her to gym class right away. It was very eye-opening to have our first weekend together since birth w/o the baby around. Plus the weather rocked so we did everything we used to do when we were just two. Dinner at Sandobe, movie out, Broadway show. Slept in til 10 and walked outside for bagels and coffee:

In fact, we saw God of Carnage last night, which hit close to home. It's a morality tale of bad parents acting out and damaging themselves and each other far more than their kid-bullies do to each other on the playground of life.  It's a delicious treat for parents who get some time away from the kids. The parents end up tearing each other apart and acting like Neanderthals along the way.

Time away from the kids is highly recommended. Send 'em to grandmas once a month, and live it up.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Double Windsor: an Art Bar in W.T.

Made it out tonight with another W.T. daddy to talk about how great life can be with a wife and two kids. As we sipped Millers we watched those W.T. denizens who are 5 to 10 years our junior, carefree, doing bar-like things like reading F. Scott Fitzgerald and sketching each other. How lovely!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tried Grumpy Coffee for $3; British Invasion of Park Slope

Tried out Cafe Grumpy this a.m. and for three bucks got a decent au Lai. The rationale for the cost is that every cup is brewed to order.

Along the way in line were a couple of dads with charming Brit accents. We're finding lots of dads and moms out here loving the exchange rates and surely lots of job opportunities in advertising, CPG and who knows, maybe even finance!