Friday, December 17, 2010

Entertaining News

Netflix will replace The New York Times Co. on the Standard & Poor's 500 Index of publicly traded companies. The movie and TV show rental company moves up from the S&P MidCap 400 index for mid-sized stocks, while the newspaper and media company was demoted to that index.

Digital has net degraded NYT shareholder value while it has boosted Netflix. It comes down to superior alignment of content with delivery and external forces. In Netflix case that's long tail movies and TV shows plus broadband plus consumer adoption of delayed viewing habits.
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Reflective Lace for Strollers Reduce Accidents

Reflective Lace is the safety-minded and stylish embellishment that makes bicyclists more visible at night. Now bringing similar reflective qualities to baby strollers is Wagalum, a German maker of self-adhesive strips designed specifically to keep young children safe while on the go.

Wagalum's reflective sticker set includes eight pieces in four different sizes to provide all-around visibility for babies in strollers. The stickers' microprismatic surface shines nine times brighter than comparable materials do, causing strollers bearing them to be seen six times earlier by other traffic participants and 85 percent less likely to be involved in an accident, Wagalum says. 

Wagalum's reflective strips are currently available at a number of stockists in Germany, but the company aims to expand to other countries soon, and it welcomes dealer inquiries. Retailers of children's products: this one's for you! (Related: Five business ideas focused on babies & new parents — Color-changing sleep suit signals baby's fever.)

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bugaboo in Park Slope for $360, now $420

Saw this stroller at 78 8th Avenue today. Advertised as "great condition" but the poster neglected to mention that the break didn't catch. Kinda important if your tot is hanging out on a hill. I was wary and a bit miffed that I drove the Toyota across the Slope only to find a stroller that wasn't in quite such great shape.

He called me 20 minutes after I left to say he'd fixed the break and it was working fine. I sort of agreed to come back, but D talked me out of it after I told her the guy let slip he paid $420 for it, which means he bought it used, too. And do you want your kid relying on a break that this guy fixed in 20 minutes?

Anyway, he reposted this evening, boosting the ask up to $420 - exactly what he said he paid for it.

shop rite is a humiliating experience

Fairway is cool and people don't care how much things cost. At shop rite they push and fight and line up for a few cents off.
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Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Greenwood Playground Brooklyn 3pm

Day before Thanksgiving and the kids are bundled up.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Brooklyn Commune Opening Tuesday

Saw the owner out front. Coffee, cafe and market with seating for 20. Features ingredients from locally sourced farms. Can't wait!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The geese are back in Brooklyn!

Just spotted this gaggle from my window. The geese have returned to Brooklyn. Looks like they are flying over to Prospect Park.
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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Graco does it again: stroller recall

Gracious recalls stroller after 4 infant deaths.

Last year it was a stroller that severed kids' digits. Now it's a stroller that strangles. Or 2 million of them.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

mr Rogers brought to life

Pittsburgh in Words - Can You Say ... 'Hero'? by Tom Junod

If you ever wanted to understand the man, this is the story to read.
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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Dads, take the family leave, just like in Sweden (NY Times)

Swedish dads are more manly, and in ways American fathers could never imagine. Sweden, home to Saabs, girls with dragon tatoos, gender equality, 80% tax brackets and utopian living, as well as a relatively high suicide rate, also practically mandates that fathers take lots of leave when they have a kid. In fact, when in 1995 they incurred a penalty if they did not take time off, dads started to in droves:

Introducing “daddy leave” in 1995 had an immediate impact. No father was forced to stay home, but the family lost one month of subsidies if he did not. Soon more than eight in 10 men took leave. The addition of a second nontransferable father month in 2002 only marginally increased the number of men taking leave, but it more than doubled the amount of time they take.Clearly, state money proved an incentive — and a strong argument with reluctant bosses. 

I have my domain of responsibilities around the house, but never realized how important it is. While the US is far from a Swedish utopia, every little bit means something. As far as my wife's future earnings are concerned, a month at home would drive her salary upwards:

The daddy months have left their mark. A study published by the Swedish Institute of Labor Market Policy Evaluation in March showed, for instance, that a mother’s future earnings increase on average 7 percent for every month the father takes leave.

What's sad is how much American moms give up when they pull back on their careers. Ooops, gotta go, my wife is stuck making dinner.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Mommy will I go to jail?

Here in Park Slop our playgrounds have themes of classical music and animal art. In Bed-Stuy at the Tompkins Houses, the theme is incarceration. Brownstoner posted this story of NYCHA's ham fisted design and construction.  One resident of the community, which is in an uproar over the kiddy poke, said it was a poor choice for an area where many residents actually end up in jail. A child reportedly asked, "Mommy, if I play there will I end up in jail?"

Way to raise the bar, people!

 Brownstoner report on Jail-themed playground. 

Location : 483 16th St, Brooklyn, NY 11215,

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Baby Boys With Nannies May Grow Up to Be Womanizers

You've got to be kidding. And check this out: when a baby girl has a nanny, it creates a "cascade of need" that some females will eventually fill with sex, drugs and alcohol.

Apparently after age 1 you're in the clear, however.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kid-free Weekend; St. Paddy's Day Bagels

This weekend the kid got shipped off to grandma's house for the full weekend Fri-Sun a.m. We are about to get her back and will take her to gym class right away. It was very eye-opening to have our first weekend together since birth w/o the baby around. Plus the weather rocked so we did everything we used to do when we were just two. Dinner at Sandobe, movie out, Broadway show. Slept in til 10 and walked outside for bagels and coffee:

In fact, we saw God of Carnage last night, which hit close to home. It's a morality tale of bad parents acting out and damaging themselves and each other far more than their kid-bullies do to each other on the playground of life.  It's a delicious treat for parents who get some time away from the kids. The parents end up tearing each other apart and acting like Neanderthals along the way.

Time away from the kids is highly recommended. Send 'em to grandmas once a month, and live it up.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Double Windsor: an Art Bar in W.T.

Made it out tonight with another W.T. daddy to talk about how great life can be with a wife and two kids. As we sipped Millers we watched those W.T. denizens who are 5 to 10 years our junior, carefree, doing bar-like things like reading F. Scott Fitzgerald and sketching each other. How lovely!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Tried Grumpy Coffee for $3; British Invasion of Park Slope

Tried out Cafe Grumpy this a.m. and for three bucks got a decent au Lai. The rationale for the cost is that every cup is brewed to order.

Along the way in line were a couple of dads with charming Brit accents. We're finding lots of dads and moms out here loving the exchange rates and surely lots of job opportunities in advertising, CPG and who knows, maybe even finance!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Snow Sledding Conditions in Prospect Park Brooklyn, NY

Just created this map based on sledding conditions I observed on a long walk with the family last Monday midday from home to Wolman Rink in the Park.

The best runs for daredevil sliding in the park were Hill Drive Staircase and Death's Doorway. Both are actually long stone staircases where ice and show have been packed into each step to create a smoothish chute worthy of a Vancouver Olympic luge run. Be careful on these - dads shouldn't bring kids here but go on your own off hours.

Feel free to edit and add to this map for updated conditions - it's set for open collaboration.

Snow Conditions for Sledding in Prospect Park on Google Maps

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

NYTimes: As Girls Become Women, Sports Pay Dividends

Two new studies found that girls' involvement in team sports can mean
lifelong improvements in educational, work and health prospects.

The study showed that increasing girls' sports participation had a
direct effect on women's education and employment. It found that the
changes set in motion by Title IX explained about 20 percent of the
increase in women's education and about 40 percent of the rise in
employment for 25-to-34-year-old women.

Probably worth signing up for that gym class after all!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Wanted: Volunteers, All Pregnant

100,000 pregnant moms wanted for a 21-year study of kids. The world's largest long-term study of the health of children aims to track 100,000 babies until they turn 21.

Chalk one up for the scientists, who for months have been dispatching door-to-door emissaries across the country to recruit women for an unprecedented undertaking: the largest, most comprehensive long-term study of the health of children, beginning even before they are born.

Authorized by Congress in 2000, the National Children's Study began last January, its projected cost swelling to about $6.7 billion. With several hundred participants so far, it aims to enroll 100,000 pregnant women in 105 counties, then monitor their babies until they turn 21.

It will examine how environment, genes and other factors affect children's health, tackling questions subject to heated debate and misinformation. Does pesticide exposure, for example, cause asthma? Do particular diets or genetic mutations lead to autism?

So much of this will be a waste of time, while a couple of nuggets of insight will pay for everything else.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Spotted at AMNH: Racoon on Lawn!

Taken three weeks ago around the last weekend in January (no snow on the ground yet!), this picture shows the grounds Racoon who lives and roams on the few acres of lawn around the American Museum of Natural History. She or he doesn't look rabid at all, but is surprisingly day-turnal.
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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Bugaboo AND Maclaren both ripped off!

Be on the lookout for a "tall woman with a small black dog" who was seen leaving our apartment lobby pushing our red Bugaboo, our green Maclaren Volo and someone else's $25 umbrella stroller stacked up. Just walked right out of building in broad daylight.

Our retired neighbor who walks her dog didn't stop the alleged perp, though she said she was wondering what was happening. Still, I guess it looked OK to our neighbor overall because she didn't say anything until my wife posted a sign in the lobby.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Little gym stamps! One of the highlights of the entire beasts-superbeasts class is sticker handout following.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Advice for your children: 2010-2020

Marginal Revolution takes a stab at preparing our kids for coming of age in about 10-15 years. Lots change, but not much changes: "learn people skills, get smart, focus on execution."

Sunday, January 3, 2010

New Year Birds in Prospect Park

Origami 007
Originally uploaded by CraigKon
Was on my weekly Sunday afternoon run taken like a beast through the forest in Prospect Park, when I came across hundreds of origami birds. Because they were hung in rows from thin branches, they appeared to be flying in groups up towards the sky.

To find them, enter along Prospect Park SW and head to the jogging trail behind the ball fields. Can't wait to show Ariel assuming they're still around by next weekend.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Must be nice to have the deck space

Empty Poland Spring jugs wait for pickup in Windsor Terrace.